It’s not personal—Leveraging your organization’s brand personality

Your brokerage brand may have grown from one person or a few. How do you take what’s true about your brand heritage and make it something your growing organization will understand, believe in and rally behind? Employees have their own brands—so how do you balance the two? Explore the opportunities.


Since 2019, our employee engagement has gone up by over 25%. Learn best practices that may help you improve your own company’s engagement levels and add value to your people’s experience. It’s all here: why it’s worth it, how to do it well and how you can make it happen.

Hard Lessons—Learning Risk Management Through E&O Claims

You want to believe that It can’t happen to me, but the reality is, bad claims happen to good brokers. We know, because we’ve seen it over and over. One of the best ways to avoid a similar fate is to hear about real-life claim scenarios and how they could have been avoided.

App-solutely—How brokers can tap into the customer-driven digital experience

The future is now. The digital transformation being led by consumer demands and expectations is accelerating at a rapid pace, and the continued success of any business relies on the ability to stay ahead. Hear from industry experts on current and future digital trends, digital disruptors, the solutions available to help your business and why a broker’s role is more vital now than ever.

The Pandemic’s Impact on How We Sell

Insurance is a people business, with face-to-face meetings critical to building rapport, establishing trusted advisor relationships and creating long-term partnerships. In the era of Covid, we must think more broadly about how we sell while striving for these same goals. In this session, we’ll focus on the different types of customer meetings, sharing tips and tricks on how to be successful and sharing specific job aids with those who attend.

Commercial Insurance Update

Make sure to join Wawanesa for what will be an informative and engaging conversation. Topics include innovation initiatives and products in CL, including an enhanced Farm product offering, advancements in pricing sophistication, API technology and service improvements as well as an open dialogue on emerging industry trends.